Franz Harary
The renowned grand illusion producer & director
credited with integrating high technology into large-scale magic performances

明星魔術團隊 Star Magical Team

International superstar-level grand and glamorous performance stage
聯合主辦方 Co-organizer

售票平台 Ticketing Partner

支持機構 Supporting Organization

媒體夥伴 Media Partner

Q & A
What is "Just Live"?
什麼是 《Just Live 喜愛現場》?
"Just Live" is a unique live entertainment carnival that combines international performances, artistic events, and an Art Hub. It is located at the stunning Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong, at the Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space, right next to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, making it highly accessible.
The event is divided into three distinct areas:
Area A: A diverse artistic activity space that includes art events, interactive music, and commercial offerings.
Area B: The Victoria Harbour Arts Hub, featuring art exhibitions, a VIP lounge, and dining area.
Area C: International performances, featuring the spectacular magic show "IMAGINE NATION" by renowned magician Franz Harary. This show features a collaboration with top illusionists, delivering a breathtaking performance that combines cutting-edge stage effects, dynamic dance, and family-friendly magic entertainment.
《Just Live 喜愛現場》 集獨具特色的國際演藝、藝術活動和藝術俱樂部於一體的現場娛樂嘉年華
《Just Live 喜愛現場》 分為三個不同的區域:【藝術活動 / 藝術俱樂部 / 國際演藝】
A 區是多元藝術活動空間,包括藝術活動、互動音樂及商業配套;
B 區是維多利亞港藝術俱樂部,包括藝術展覽、VIP俱樂部和餐廳;
C 區是國際演藝,包括著名魔術大師 Franz Harary大型魔術盛會——《IMAGINE NATION 幻》 Franz Harary 聯同世界頂級魔術大師,創造令人震撼的大型魔術表演,結合尖端舞台效果、勁歌熱舞,以及互動娛樂、老少咸宜的魔術。
How to get to "Just Live"?
如何前往《Just Live 喜愛現場》場地 ?
Address: Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space, Hong Kong
Transportation Options:
Bus: Take a bus that passes through Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre or get off at the public transport interchange near the Exhibition Centre MTR Station.
MTR: Head to the Exhibition Centre Station and follow the signs to the appropriate exit.
Ferry: Take the Star Ferry to Wan Chai, and it’s about a one-minute walk from the ferry terminal. Taxis can drop you off near the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square, or the public transport interchange at the Exhibition Centre Station.
Private Car: Participants can use parking facilities at nearby locations like the Eagle Centre, Sun Hung Kai Centre, and the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Walking: You can walk along the waterfront promenade to the Wan Chai section or use the pedestrian bridge at Eagle Centre to reach the waterfront.
巴士 - 可乘搭途經鴻興道(灣仔海旁段) 或於港鐵會展站之公共交通交匯處下車。
港鐵 - 請前往會展站,依據圖示出口進出。
渡輪 - 乘坐天星小輪前往灣仔,下船後行約一分鐘即達。的士可於香港會議展覽中心、金紫荊廣場、及港鐵會展站之公共交通交匯處附近下車。
私家車 - 灣仔海濱活動空間並沒有泊車位提供。参與活動人士可選擇使用鷹君中心、新鴻基中心、香港會議展覽中心或毗鄰商業大廈的停車場。
步行 - 可沿海濱長廊步行至灣仔段, 或使用鷹君中心行人天橋向海旁方向步行即達。
"IMAGINE NATION" is a masterful production by world-class magician and large-scale illusion creator Franz Harary.
This show promises a sensory spectacle that will take the audience on a captivating journey filled with wonder and fantasy,
featuring his most successful large-scale magic performances brought together in an extraordinary way.
《IMAGINE NATION 幻》是由世界巔峰級魔術大師、大場景魔術締造者Franz Harary傾力製作,其製作極具感官沖擊力,將為觀眾呈現精彩絕倫的幻術視覺盛宴。
《IMAGINE NATION 幻》是Franz Harary的巔峰之作,是他將歷年來最成功的大場景魔術作品匯聚一堂,以最奇妙的超能量方式帶您進入充滿幻想與驚奇的美妙世界!
> 立即購票
Maximum ticket purchase?
每次交易,我最多可訂購多少張門票 ?
When ordering tickets for Franz Harary's "IMAGINE NATION," you can purchase a maximum of 8 tickets per transaction.
Why provide contact information when buying wheelchair seats?
為什麼購買輪椅座位時要提供聯絡資料 ?
When purchasing wheelchair seats, the venue requires the buyer's contact information to assist with seating arrangements.
What payment methods are accepted for the transaction?
Cityline accepts payments via credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and UnionPay online) and electronic payment methods (Payme, Alipay, Alipay Hong Kong, WeChat Pay, BoC Pay). Please note that specific terms and conditions may apply to different events. All sold tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
For any ticketing inquiries, please contact Cityline directly.
For venue-related questions, feel free to reach us.
Service Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Closed on weekends and public holidays
購票通訂票服務接受信用卡 (VISA、萬事達卡、美國運通卡及銀聯在線支付)及電子支付(Payme, 支付寶, 支付寶香港, 微信支付, BoC Pay) 付款,並受不同節目之特定條款限制。所有已出售的門票恕不設退款或退換。
如有任何購票方面查詢,請直接聯絡 Cityline.
如有場地疑問,歡迎聯絡我們 (服務時間 Mon-Fri 10:00-18:00, 星期六日及公眾假期休息)

From 12.2024
緊鄰香港會議展覽中心 / 金紫荊廣場
Hong Kong Harbourfront Event Space,
adjacent to the Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre Station / Golden Bauhinia Square
Ample parking lots
surrounding the project
平方米 square meters
毗鄰灣仔渡輪碼頭 / 港鐵會展站及灣仔站 / 跨境巴士總站
Close to Wan Chai Ferry Pier /
MTR Exhibition Centre Station and Wan Chai Station /Cross-Border Bus Terminal

關於我們 About Us
Contact : Show Plus (Hong Kong) Investment Limited
Contact address : 1705-07, 17/F Shui On Centre, 6-8 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Open Hours : 10:00 - 18:00
Show Area : Wan Chai Habourfront Event Space - Area C
Area Address : 3 Hung Hing Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong